Leicester Fencing contractors are your go-to domestic and commercial Fencing company in Leicester.
Masonry is defined as the skill as well as the art of building with stone, bricks, clay, and concrete. To clarify, cement and concrete are technically not interchangeable terms. Concrete is made from a combination of crushed stone mixed with a paste of water and several specific minerals that have been kiln-heated to a very high temperature. Not only is the finished product dense and long-lasting, but it improves with age. The Romans used pumice from volcanoes to make their concrete gravel boards are exceptionally strong.
Concrete can be adapted to a variety of very stylish forms, especially when shaped to resemble lava bricks, stucco, or impressive castle blocks. It is ideal for creating solid retaining walls and supporting fence posts for
garden gates. The results yield privacy and security and significantly reduces noise such as highway sounds. Masonry in general improves property value since it is difficult to climb if kept free of nearby trees and shrubbery. The imposing presence of concrete panels commands attention and respect. Some building owners use more than one kind of fencing, integrating brick veneers, cast iron, or wood to enhance the design or to lower costs. Another modification taking advantage of the strength of concrete is topping the walls with fencing made from other materials or even shallow flower beds. This kind of embellishment allows a view of the outside world, adds beauty, and permits cooling breezes to waft through.
The principal drawback to concrete fence panels is the price. Due to its weight, a foundation has to be established below the frost line or groundwater level. Repeated freezing will enlarge pores and tiny cracks in the concrete, eventually expanding over time and causing dangerous instability. Large panels and blocks need steel reinforcement with the right type and size of steel placed correctly, something only a bonded, licensed professional should do.